HI 38072
Manganese Test Kit for Irrigation Water
Product Description:
Manganese is not present in natural waters, but it is found in various salts and minerals, frequently associated with iron compounds.
Manganese salts are used as fertilizer additives, in ferroalloys (in steel manufacture), in non-ferrous alloys as it improves their corrosion resistance and hardness.
Manganese is not considered to be toxic to man and aquatic life and it is present as a trace nutrient, both in food and water. Nonetheless manganese has been limited in drinking water as it causes tenacious stains to laundry and alters taste.
Manganese is commonly found in domestic wastewater and industrial effluents.
Order Information:
HI 38072 test kit comes with 100 packets buffer reagent A, 100 packets manganese reagent B, 230 mL deionized water (2), checker disc, glass vials with caps (2) and 3 mL plastic pipette.
Method Checker Disc
Range 0.0-10.0 mg/L
Smallest Increment 0.5 mg/L
Chemical Method Sodium Periodate
Number of Tests 100
Weight 1100 g
131 อุทยานวิทยาศาสตร์ประเทศไทย อาคารกลุ่มนวัตกรรม 1 ต. คลองหนึ่ง อ. คลองหลวง จ. ปทุมธานี 12120
โทร. 081-847-6768, 02-191-3928 แฟกซ์ 02-191-3929 คุณโทณิวัฒน์ 085-811-4779, คุณนารีรัตน์ 085-814-9653
Email : info@highents.com
Quotation and Ordering
131 Thailand Science Park. Innovation Cluster 1 Building, Klong 1, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand.
Tel. +6681-847-6768, +662-191-3928 Fax +662-191-3929 Mr.Thoniwadh +6685-811-4779, Ms.Nareerat +6685-814-9653
Email: info@highents.com